Friday, August 3, 2012

Letter to the Editor: Elephant Awareness Day

Why Colorado Springs should join the ranks of Los Angeles, CA; Dane County, WI; Hollywood, FL; and other localities with bans on elephant acts.

On Saturday, June 10, 2012 a whistle blower alerted People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) of an elephant chained by two legs being struck six times by a trainer using a bullhook with full force.

While Ringling Brothers Circus shows exploit elephants, horses, and large cats and rakes in annual profits of $500 million to $1 billion USD; the care for these animals are dismal at best. From the lack of clean water, being locked in small cages and the severe beatings, we as a community would never stand for this if they were children or our companion animals. So why elephants?

Last year Ringling Brothers were fined $270,000USD for a similar case while performing in Colorado Springs at The World Arena. When we continue to give our money to establishments like this, we condone abuse as entertainment, and our city will continue to be tainted by the realities of the ugly underbelly that is behind the curtain.

Los Angeles will be celebrating Elephant Awareness Day on August 3, 2012 and National Elephant Appreciation Day is September 22, 2012. We should make one of these two days our goal to ban the Saddest Show on Earth.

Your Reader,


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