Monday, September 29, 2014

No Kill Equation

“If every animal shelter in the United States embraced the No Kill philosophy and the programs and services that make it possible, we would save nearly four million dogs and cats who are scheduled to die in shelters this year, and the year after that. It is not an impossible dream.”

The link below takes you to their website
No Kill Advocacy Center

A No Kill nation is within our reach…

Two decades ago, the concept of a No Kill community was little more than a dream. Today, it is a reality in many cities and counties nationwide and the numbers continue to grow. And the first step is a decision, a commitment to reject the kill-oriented failures of the past. No Kill starts as an act of will. The next step involves putting in place the infrastructure to save lives.
Following a commitment to No Kill is the need for accountability. Accountability means having clear definitions, a lifesaving plan, and protocols and procedure oriented toward preserving life. But accountability also allows, indeed requires, flexibility. Too many shelters lose sight of this principle, staying rigid with shelter protocols, believing these are engraved in stone. They are not. Protocols are important because they ensure accountability from staff. But protocols without flexibility can have the opposite effect: stifling innovation, causing lives to be needlessly lost, and allowing shelter employees who fail to save lives to hide behind a paper trail. The decision to end an animal’s life is an extremely serious one, and should always be treated as such. No matter how many animals a shelter kills, each and every animal is an individual, and each deserves individual consideration.
And finally, to meet the challenge that No Kill entails, shelter leadership needs to get the community excited, to energize people for the task at hand. By working with people, implementing lifesaving programs, and treating each life as precious, a shelter can transform a community.
There are communities in the United States that have eliminated population control killing. We want—and the animals deserve—No Kill in every city in the country. But it requires shelter leaders committed to these goals and embarking on a campaign of diligent implementation. That is where we must focus our efforts at reform. Only the No Kill Equation model has achieved this success. It is a program model which changes the way shelters operate and which gives the animal loving public an integral role in that operation. If a community wants success, this is the way to go: nothing else has succeeded.
No Kill shelters can be public or private, large or small, humane societies or municipal agencies. A No Kill shelter can be either “limited admission” or “open admission.” And there are plenty of No Kill animal control shelters and thus No Kill communities which prove it. An “open admission” shelter does not have to—and should not—be an open door to the killing of animals. In fact, using the term “open admission” for kill shelters is misleading. Kill shelters are closed to people who love animals. They are closed to people who might have lost their job or lost their home but do not want their animals to die. They are closed to Good Samaritans who find animals but do not want them killed. They are closed to animal lovers who want to help save lives but will not be silent in the face of needless killing. And so they turn these people and their animals away, refusing to provide to them the service they are being paid to perform.
For a description of the programs of the No Kill Equation and how shelters should implement them, click here.
For our No Kill matrix of treatable medical conditions, click here.

We CAN be a NO KILL Nation ... 

Note on Facebook 
By Kimberly Glasnapp
Posted February 5, 2014 at 11:08pm

First there's some things we must understand and come to terms with...
and the truth hurts...

We have to understand that the shelters are not the problem...
And the breeders are not the problem...
WE are the problem.
Humans created this problem.
And as humans created it, we are the only one's must can fix it.
We owe to them to not be part of the problem.
We OWE it to them to fix the bind WE've put them in ...
to them to be part of the solution.

TWO UNCONTROLLED BREEDING CATS PLUS ALL THEIR KITTENS AND THEIR KITTEN'S KITTENS, OF NONE ARE EVER SPAYED OR NEUTERED ADD UP... Millions of unwanted and homeless cats are born in this country each year. During the peak of kitten season - from late April to September - pounds and humane shelters kill unwanted and abandoned cats at the rate of OVER ONE PER MINUTE, other less fortunate are left to wander, easy pray for larger animals, easy targets for automobiles and easy marks for cruel pranksters and fanatics. If they do survive these hazards and elements, they soon attain maturity and bring forth five or six kittens. Mostly females, to continue this vicious cycle. Every cat owner whose pet is unspayed or unneurtered, and a allowed to roam, must bear the guilt of terrible overpopulation. REMEMBER - ONE FEMALE CATS CUMULATIVE OFFSPRING IN TEN YEARS COULD TOTAL OVER 80 MILLION!! 

*2 litters per year
*2.8 surviving kittens per litter
*10 year breeding life
*IN 10 YEARS MULTIPLY TO 80,399,780!!!

FOURTH YEAR: = 2,201
FIFTH YEAR: = 12,680
SIXTH YEAR: = 73,041
SEVENTH YEAR: = 420,715
EIGHTH YEAR: = 2,423,316
NINTH YEAR: = 12,958,290
TENTH YEAR: = 80,399,780

This Note contains a powerful message, and if the reality that you know lies behind these words and images hits you as hard as they did me, you may want to share, and re-share the Note. WE have the power to change their world, our world. We are the one's for this job, and TOGETHER we can do it. Together can make it happen - can make this a REALITY. I KNOW we can!

So join me in taking the pledge to Spay and Neuter family pets and to always
Don't Shop
 ... and to NEVER patronize stored that sell animals.

TOGETHER WE really can make this a reality! -  TOGETHER WE have the power to make this a NO KILL nation!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Scarlett, the World-Famous Brave Mother Cat Who Survived a Fire and Saved Her Kittens, Passes Away

The following link takes you directly to Scarlett's web page with the story (copied and pasted) below:  Scarlett, the World-Famous Brave Mother Cat Who Survived a Fire and Saved Her Kittens, Passes Away

Scarlett Was Adopted Following Her Ordeal And Lived Life as a Member of a Loving Family
Scarlett, the World-Famous Brave Mother Cat Who Bravely Entered Blazing Inferno 5 Times To Save All Her Kittens, Passes Away After Enjoying Life Of Love, Pampering And Fame Following Her Ordeal

October 15, 2008 (Port Washington, NY) - Scarlett the cat, whose story of bravery, uncompromising love and triumph over all odds, has passed on. The heroine calico, who in 1996 made headlines around the world for pulling her five kittens to safety from a raging fire, lost her battle with multiple illnesses this week after living with her adoptive family in Brooklyn, New York for over 12 years.

Back in 1996, Scarlett was tending to her kittens in an abandoned Brooklyn garage when fire broke out. Having extinguished the blaze, firefighters sighted the mother cat, slowly carrying her four-week-old kittens from the building. Badly scorched, her ears radically burned, she lined up her babies. With her eyes blistered from the inferno, she was seen touching each with her nose, to reassure herself that her litter of five had made it to safety. She then collapsed, unconscious.
Firefighter David Giannelli transported the little feline family to North Shore Animal League America where the mother, who was named Scarlett, and her kittens, were treated. The weakest of the kittens died of a virus one month after the blaze. However, after three months of treatment and recovery, Scarlett and her surviving babies were ready for adoption.
In the flurry of worldwide media attention to the heroic feline mother and her family, the Animal League received more than 7,000 inquiries about adopting Scarlett and her brood. Ultimately, the kittens were adopted in pairs and Scarlett herself was adopted out to Karen Wellen, whose story of losing her own cat, shortly after an accident in which she herself was injured, struck a chord at the Animal League. Wellen said her experience made her a more compassionate individual, and, if ever she was to adopt another cat, she wanted to devote herself to one with special needs.
Once in Wellen's care, Scarlett continued to be a media darling, capturing the attention of regional, national and international outlets as far away as Japan, and including the most powerful voices of CNN and Oprah Winfrey. She was the subject of numerous books and articles and appeared in the first aired segment of Animal Planet. She was even honored by Great Britain's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Living in Wellen's Brooklyn home, Scarlett was a cherished family member, given run of the house and abundant love. "She was the most precious and loving cat and in our household, it was all about Scarlett," said Wellen.
Scarlett, who required ongoing care as a result of her injuries, and who was diagnosed with a heart murmur during her recovery at the Animal League Veterinary Medical Center, became a Sponsor Pet, and the symbol of all the real and wonderful pets in the Animal League's care. She was the guest of honor at the Animal League's Christmas Tree Lighting and was a surprise for a little boy whose birthday wish was to meet her. The Animal League created an animal heroism award in her name and recently unveiled The Scarlett Room, an online site showcasing the animals in the organization's Sponsor Program. This month, National Geographic Kids' Magazine, circulated around the globe, honored Scarlett as one of its Ten Cool Cats.
North Shore Animal League America is the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization. For more information on its Sponsor Program visit
Meet the Pets find out about the progress of animals in the Sponsor Program.
North Shore Animal League America - Home of the Mutt-i-gree® - headquartered in Port Washington, NY, is the largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization in the world. The Animal League reaches across the country to rescue, nurture and adopt 20,000 pets into happy and loving homes each year. Over the past decade, the Animal League saved over 200,000 lives and has saved 1,000,000 animals since its inception. “Like” us, follow us at To learn more about animal rescue and welfare,

                          RIP Scarlett 
mother, heroine, brave mommy cat, beloved  family member, admired by people all over         the world, will be dearly missed.